
November 28, 2011

New Year’s Goals?

Every year the team over at MVMT hosts a New Year’s Brunch, and offers a tool to the community. Last year we offered the MVMT New Year’s Guide. We created this to help you to start your year off right.

Here’s the video & link to download the guide. Feel free to use it for 2012.

[vimeo width=”600″ height=”338″]http://vimeo.com/18526899[/vimeo]

Download the free 90 Min Evaluation & Planning Guide..

We’re planning the 2012 brunch now. We’re slated to do two:

  • One in Brooklyn, NY (Hosted by Jullien Gordon)
  • One in Oakland, CA (Hosted by Rolando Brown)
If you’re interested in getting a free invite, comment below with your contact information.

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