

New Year’s Goals?

Every year the team over at MVMT hosts a New Year’s Brunch, and offers a tool to the community. Last year we offered the MVMT New Year’s Guide. We created this to help you to start your year off right. Here’s the video & link to download the guide. Feel free […]

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Basic model for an effective MVMT Maker

Drucker’s basic model for an effective executive can be summarized as follows: one, executives must carefully choose how to spend, and not to spend, their time; two, executives must consciously choose what they want to contribute to the organization and ask their subordinates to make such a choice also; three, […]

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30 under 30

back in the days. it was great to be recognized. the impresario that made this possible was Martha Diaz, who so generously invited me to support her in her vision for community transformation. I talk a bit about this time in my life here. AWE Advance Weekly Entertainment November 30 […]

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“Where’s the Innovation?” Grow, Howard Greenstein, Wharton School Supernova Forum

Experimenting with Youtube’s new features, I came across these videos: An two part interview with Howard Greenstein (awesome guy), during the Wharton School produced Supernova Forum in 2007. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WgnrNkx8vA[/youtube] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3-5xSjRg18[/youtube] Story This was held during my time as the Executive Director of the Hip-Hop Association. In brief, our mission was to facilitate social justice, education reform, […]

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“I’m Free. Not defined by what I am, but what I give to my community and humanity.” #occupy First, to Hon. George Martinez & Clara Guerrero: Thank You. [youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pl0pHJg_l8[/youtube] Occupy Wall St. Hip Hop Anthem Occupation Freedom, Ground Zero And The Global Block Collective People have either asked […]

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